Tarot Reading & Soul Guidance
An experience weaving together a personalized tarot reading, soul guidance & integration practices followed by a guided meditation to end our time together. Sessions can be booked virtually via zoom with a recording of the session, or in-person from my clinic space in Bowmanville, ON Canada.
Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle
A comprehensive Holistic Nutrition Program designed to support you as you embark on your healthy lifestyle journey. Programs include aspects of Mind, Body, Spirit, and focus on meeting your unique nutritional needs, teaching you how to think about & approach food differently.
Each program includes a comprehensive consultation in addition to 2 follow-ups.
Spiritual Healing
Wake up to your Authentic Self by doing the deep inner work that helps you to shed limiting beliefs & behaviours that hold you back in life. You will learn to identify your ego patterns and reconnect with your Spirit as you learn to listen to the inner voice of your Higher Self, developing your intuition and trusting this innate wisdom to be your guide as you navigate the journey of life.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a therapeutic approach to healing that allows you access to the subconscious mind where all of our beliefs, memories, traumas, and experiences are stored. From this place, we can even explore soul memories of past lives that have important themes & lessons for us to learn from and integrate into our present life, creating a catalyst for healing.